SAC member Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister for Defence attends 49th Mon State Day celebration

The 49th Anniversary of Mon State Day commemoration cer­emony 2023 and state honorary awarding ceremony were held at Mawrawady Park in Maw­lamyine yesterday morning.

Firstly, State Administra­tion Council member Deputy Prime Minister and Union Min­ister for Defence Gen Mya Tun Oo read the message sent by SAC Chairman Prime Minis­ter Senior General Min Aung Hlaing to the 49th Anniversary of Mon State Day 2023. After that, Mon State Chief Minister U Aung Kyi Thein extended greetings.

Next, the General and offi­cials attend the honorary award ceremony to mark the 49th An­niversary of Mon State Day. Officials presented honorary awards to the winners.

The General handed over 100 sets of solar kits to the Chief Minister of Mon State for elec­trifying villages in Mon State. Union Minister for Border Af­fairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung handed over K36 million for sinking three tube-wells to the chief minister.

Next, Deputy Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs Dr. Soe Win presented the sports equipment to the State Min­ister of Social Affairs. Then, Kyaukphyingu Pagoda Board of Trustees of Pawn Township handed over an ancient bronze bell to Mon State Department of Archeology and National Museum.

After that, SAC members General Mya Tun Oo and U Yan Kyaw and State Chief Minister U Aung Kyi Thein presented flower baskets to the ethnic cultural dance troupes.

They also met with Tatmad­aw members and families at the Aung San Hall of the military command headquarters and provided them with supplies and foodstuffs. — MNA/KZL

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