Union Energy Minister inspects new well drilling, sites for new wells in Magway Region

Union Minister for Energy U Myo Myint Oo inspected No 883 well drilled in Htaukshabin-Kan­ni oilfield and the site for drilling No 671 well in Mann oilfield in Minbu Township, Magaway Re­gion on 18 March.

At the well No 883 in Htauk­shabin oilfield, the oilfield gener­al manager reported on drilling of No 883 well with the use of National 55/8 drilling machine to reach the depth of 3,650 feet, and plans to drill more wells for extraction of crude oils.

The Union Minister said that in order to reduce the im­port of oil and oil products from abroad and in accordance with the plan to improve domestic oil production, efforts should be made to explore and produce oil from oilfields by all means.

As the employees are han­dling crude oil and natural gas in the oilfields, it is necessary to take care to avoid the risk of fire.

The Union Minister said that it is necessary to pay special attention to occupational safety and security of oilfields and plans to develop oil and natural gas exploration and production in oilfields.

After that, the Union Minis­ter inspected the oil test produc­tion at No 883.

At Htaukshabin oilfield, the Union minister approved the sites for new wells PK-3901, 3902 and 4801.

The general manager and officials of Mann oil field ex­plained the process of drilling at well 671 with up to a target depth of 8,000 feet using the ZJ7L SR 1 drilling machine. — MNA/KZL

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