Agricultural loans disbursed to farmers in Thabaung Township


Thabaung 29 May

Myanma Agricultural Development Bank in Thabaung Township, Pathein District, Ayeyawady Region is disbursing monsoon agricultural loans to farmers in the township.

The bank disburses agricultural loans at a rate of K 150,000 per acre of paddy with an interest rate of 5 percent. It will favor to disburse agricultural loans to those who have totally paid the previous debt.  

The bank disbursed agricultural loans to a total of 95 farmers for 444 acres of their farmland. It continues the loans disbursement by the end of September. It is allocated to disburse agricultural loans for 36500 acres of farmland in 68 village-tracts, according to the Township Bank Manager. 

Myo Zaw Thein (Thabaung IPRD)

Translated by Suyee

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