Maravijaya Buddha image is being carved with resilience of impacts in 120 miles per hour strong winds and 8.8 Richter scale of earthquake: Senior General


June 30


CONSTRUCTION of Maravijaya Buddha image has taken three years and 15 days till today, said Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at the clarification on progress of building Maravijaya Buddha Image which would be the highest carved sitting Buddha image throughout the world, in Dekkhinathiri Township of Union Territory Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.


Speaking on the occasion, the Senior General explained that Maravijaya Buddha image is being carved with Bhumi Phassa mudra of Yadanabon era. Marble rocks weighing 7,632 tonnes from Sagyin Hill to Nay Pyi Taw were conveyed seven times starting from 3 July 2020. Advice was sought from State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee member Sayadaws for carving the Buddha image. In line with the advice, Tri Pitakat treatises were carved on stone plaque in Pali and Rmoanized languages in Maravijaya Buddha Park.


Arrangements are being made to insert application of Tri Pitakat treatises into the tablets for public observation. Such treatises will be donated to religious centres of Buddhism across the world.


Parts of the Buddha image were connected in the modern technologies. These parts of the Buddha image were lifted up by Myanmar Engineering Society and Military Engineers Corps without foreign experts.


Religious objects were enshrined in the bejewelled throne on 27 January 2023 for the first time and on 10 February for the second time.


Sasana Beikman Aggadipati Withongama ordination hall, 296 feet long, 213 feet wide and 94 feet high, was built to accommodate 900 members of the Sangha and 1,200 laypersons at the religious ceremonies.


Construction of Maravijaya Buddha image has taken three years and 15 days till today. Maravijaya Buddha image is being carved with resilience of impacts in 120 miles per hour strong winds and 8.8 Richter scale of earthquake.


Gandakuti chambers of the Buddha image were built with marble stones, and 24 buildings were decorated with different architectural works similar to that of Atumashi Monastery in Mandalay.


The Senior General then accepted cash donations for building Maravijaya Buddha Image and Park from well-wishers. He expressed his thanks to well-wishers for their cash donations to the Buddha image and park, and pledged to express names of well-wishers on the stone plaques.


The attendees to the ceremony paid homage to Maravijaya Buddha image and viewed round Maravijaya Buddha Park. The Senior General and officials conducted them round the image and the park.


At the ceremony, 101 well-wishers donated K16.177 billion. — MNA/TTA

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