Myanmar delegation arrives back after 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum

THE Myanmar delegation led by State Administration Coun­cil Member Union Minister for Defence Admiral Tin Aung San arrived back in Myanmar on 15 September after attending the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum.

The Union minister and par­ty arrived in China on 12 Sep­tember morning and attended the welcoming dinner hosted by General Jiang You Xia of China Central Military Commission in the evening.

On 13 September, the My­anmar delegation attended the opening ceremony and plenary meeting of the 11th Beijing Xiang­shan Forum.

The Union minister then met General He Weidong, Vice-Chiarman of the Central Military Commission at Bayi Hall in Beijing and openly exchanged views on peace, stability and the rule of law at border areas of the two countries, enhancement of bilateral cooperation in defence sectors, strengthening Swemyo Pauk-Phaw relations, cooper­ation in military technology, sending of trainees and current situation of regional countries and Myanmar.

Moreover, the Myanmar delegates attended the second Plenary Session, regional securi­ty forum, and gala dinner hosted by Admiral Dong Jun, Minister of National Defence.

On 14 September, the dele­gates attended the Chinese Initi­atives of Global Affairs presided over by Vice-Foreign Minister Mr Chen Xiadong and the third and fourth Plenary Sessions.

During the visit, the Myan­mar delegation visited the Bei­jing-based high-industrial tech­nology companies and observed modern aviation technology, pilotless crafts, electronic mili­tary operations, and air defence technologies.

Furthermore, they proceed­ed to the Myanmar Embassy to China and met officials of the embassy.

This year’s Beijing Xiang­shan Forum was attended by more than 1,800 guests from over 100 countries and international organizations. — MNA/KTZH

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