MoALI endeavours to achieve 600,000 acres of cotton plantation this FY


THE Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MoALI) will make efforts to reach cotton cultivation acres to 600,000 this financial year and 82 per cent of them have been planted as of 30 September, said Dr Tin Htut, Deputy Minister.

The ministry will provide seed, inputs and technical assistance to meet the whole 700,000 acres earlier designated for cotton cultivation and to achieve a value chain from farm to fabric cotton production.

A work coordination hybrid meeting on improving cotton production was held in Pyay City, Bago Region, on 11 October. The deputy minister, seed experts, soil experts, crop protection professionals, top agriculture experts, and cotton growers from Pyay District were present at the meeting, and those experts, as well as farmers from Magway and Mandalay regions, virtually joined the meeting.

The deputy minister said that cotton cultivation was targeted at 565,000 acres during last FY 2023-2024, with production of 244 million visses of cotton.

For cotton productivity, cotton crop zones have been established in regions and states. Pedigree cotton acres also play a vital role in it. He was also instructed officials to collaborate with cotton processors in the private sector. Experts discussed matters regarding per-acre yield production growth methods, crop protection, soil, seeds, industrial agriculture and farmland. Cotton seed production technology and sulfuric acid treatment were demonstrated.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation has urged the farmers to replant crops as a massive flood destroyed some croplands. At present, the ministry has been arranging to provide quality seeds and equipment for ploughing to repair croplands and prepare seed beds in flood-stricken areas. Those farmers in need can enquire at the nearest Agriculture Department to replant long-staple cotton. The department has reserved the seeds, and they are ready to cooperate with growers.

Myanmar Rice Federation and affiliated associations will support resettlement activities in flood-hit areas, agricultural inputs such as seeds and fertilizer and cash donations, the federation announced on 14 September. — NN/ KK

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