Medicinal golden berries sell out fast

SEASONAL medicinal golden berries are selling well in the fruit market, accord­ing to the southern Shan State products market.


This is the season when golden­berry appears. It is grown in Pindaya Township exclusively for medicinal pur­poses and has a different taste from those grown in other areas.


“Goldenberry is good for cholester­ol. It cleanses the intestines and lowers blood pressure. People with coronary heart disease can eat it. If you eat it reg­ularly, it is good for defecation. People with high blood pressure and diabetes often eat it. This is the time of golden berry. It already has a market, but what we sell is different from those in Anya.


This is the Chinese Taipei variety. It is big and only for eating. It entered the market about two months ago from Pindaya. We supply to Yangon. It is a rare product, so it is selling well,” said an official from the Shwe Lubpwint Shop in Kalaw Township.


It will be rare in March, and the number of farmers cultivating medic­inal golden berries in Myanmar is still low.


“We have only harvested half of the farm, and it will become rare in March. There are still few people growing it in Myanmar. Some plants grow naturally in Anya. The wild fruits are not that big and tasty. Our cultivated fruits are just for eating,” he added. — Thit Taw/ZN

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