MoHA Union Minister inspects Pathein, Insein, Toungoo prisons

State Administration Coun­cil member Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Soe Htut inspected the Pathein Prison together with Ayeyawady Re­gion Security and Border Affairs Minister Colonel Moe Min Naing and departmental officials under the ministry on 11 January.

During the meeting with prison officials, the director of the Ayeyawady Region Prison Department reported on the prison protests that occurred on 6 January and measures conducted by prison staff and security force members as per the procedures of the prison handbook.

Then, the Union minister instructed those responsible to take necessary measures so that such prison unrest do not occur again and to draft the plans with the experiences from that cases including advantages and disad­vantages in detail.

He then checked the pris­on central prison outpost, pris­oners/detainee dormitories, kitchen, rations warehouse, place where prisoner/detainee launched unrest on 6 January, their materials and destroyed security equipment.

During the inspection, the Union minister also instructed officials to focus on security, con­duct 24-hour patrol to prevent security breaches, systematic inspection of dormitories by co­operating with the police force as the restricted materials are sent to prisons, avoid bribes, do regular weapon training, provide meals, healthcare and vocational issues to the inmates and apply strict administration under the existing law, orders and direc­tives.

Afterwards, the Union minister and party met with the prison staff and families and pro­vided kitchen utensils and cash.

The Union minister and par­ty also inspected the Luggage X-Ray Scanner operations at the parcel reception office and parcel scanning division of In­sein Prison, CCTV Control Room and preparation of breakfast for inmates yesterday.

Then, they went to Training School for Prison Staff (Insein) and inspected the dormitories, classrooms and dining rooms. They also enjoyed breakfast to­gether with the trainees of No 107 Basic Training Course of Pri­vate Level and provided cash to the trainees.

At noon, the Union minis­ter and party went to Toungoo Prison in Bago Region and in­spected the prison compound and instructed matters related to security, meals, healthcare ser­vices for inmates including pris­oners with HIV/AIDS and proper prescription of prison doctors for the released prisoners with HIV/ AIDS. – MNA/KTZH

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