SAC-conferred honorary titles presented

The State Administration Council Chairman Prime Min­ister conferred the honorary titles on the recipients indi­vidually on 1 and 2 January in marking the 75th Anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) Independ­ence Day.

Yangon Region Chief Minister U Soe Thein, Yan­gon Command Commander Maj-Gen Nyunt Win Swe and officials went to offer the hon­orary titles to family members of those who were unable to attend the ceremony on their own and on their behalf due to various reasons.

On behalf of former prime minister U Sein Win (de­ceased), his son U Zaw Win accepted the Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu title; on behalf of former minister of industry-2 Lt-Gen Sein Aung (deceased), wife Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Khin Thein accepted the Thray Sithu title; on behalf of commander-in-chief (Air) Brig- Gen Thaung Dan (deceased), his son U Myo Dan accepted the Sithu title; on behalf of state councilor U Tun Yin Law (deceased), wife Daw Nang Bo La the Sithu title; on behalf of Maj-Gen Nyan Lin (deceased), a former member of the State Law and Order Restoration Council, wife Daw Htay Htay Yi the Sithu title.

Similarly, Sagaing Region Chief Minister U Myat Kyaw, North-West Command Com­mander Maj-Gen Than Htike and departmental officials pre­sented one excellent award, the Ye Kyawswa medal, 80 Ze­yar Management Excellence awards, and the Ye Bala medal at the ceremony held in Chind­win Hall of the Sagaing Region government office yesterday.

Furthermore, the security forces who participated in 11 drug seizures during the 2021- 2022 financial year and 2022- 2023 financial year were award­ed honorariums. — MNA/TS

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