Agricultural loans disbursed in Saling Township


Saling, 2 June

With the aim of boosting socio-economic of the farmers, agricultural loans have been disbursed to farmers since May this year in Saling Township, Magway Region. On June 2, Myanma Agricultural Development Bank dispensed more loans to farmers in Nattat village tract in Saling Township of Magway Region.

First, Daw Yinmar Nwe, manager of the Township Myanma Agricultural Development Bank Branch delivered a speech and clarified the purposes of the disbursement of loans for the farmers in the Township. 

Under this loans disbursement program, 373 acres of farmland of 65 farmers from Nattat village tract in the Township received Ks. 37.3 million. The bank dispenses the loans at a rate of Ks. 150,000 per acre of paddy fields and Ks. 100,000 per acre of other crops fields.

The disbursement of loans to the remaining farmers will be completed in the end of September this year, according to an official from the bank branch.—Township IPRD

Translated by JT

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