Water supply projects in Hlaingbwe Township inspected

Hlaingbwe 2 June

Water supply projects in Hpapun village in Hlaingbwe Township, Hpa-an District, Kayin State were inspected on 2 June. 

Officials from Hpa-an District Department of Rural Development, Hlaingbwe Township Department of Rural Development and members of village water distribution committee inspected the preparations of a digging tube well and 2400 gallons of water tank. Then, the officials urged the responsible people from the tender winning company to meet the set standard within the target date. 

The Township Department of Rural Development is undertaking digging a tube well, installation of solar system and construction of a water tank with K 36.789 million starting from 26 May and now, all have been completed by 10 percent. Upon completion, a total of 1284 people from 275 households will be available enough drinking water.


Translated by Suyee

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